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Up The Love, Issue #009 The power of choice January 01, 2017 |
Welcome to the 9th issue of the Up The Love newsletter!! Please tell all your friends about this newsletter and ask them to sign up. If and when they do, they receive 2 FREE pdf e-reports, just for signing up!! This monthly newsletter contains, original articles, best tips on raising self esteem, inspiring stories and quotes to bend your ear and even make you laugh. In this 9th issue is an original article on the power of choice! The Power Of Choice! A New Year Special!What does it really mean to have the power of choice? What do we do or experience when we have choice?Let’s take a look at it from another angle – what happens when we feel we don’t have choice in the matter. When we feel we don’t have choice is when we feel like a victim of our circumstances. It’s our partner’s fault that we’re not happy, it’s our current job, it’s our body and health, it’s our family, it’s our money situation, it’s the government etc etc. We play the blame game a lot, blaming our external circumstances for our unhappiness on people, places and things. To the degree that we play the blame game is the degree that we give our personal power away and we are not at choice in the matter. We are NOT consciously choosing what we want to experience! Now then what is the power of choice and how do we get there? The power of choice is when we are consciously choosing what we want to experience. How we get there is by being aware that we have choice in the matter. How we do that is by learning to take responsibility for ourselves and our lives. How we do that is simply, not necessarily easily, acknowledging that everything that is related to our thoughts, feelings and actions, has US as the common denominator. It’s all us!! No person, place or thing, can make us think what we think, feel what we feel and do what we do. It’s all us!! When we “get” that it’s all us we are at choice in the matter. We can actively choose what we want to focus on creating. This is a very very powerful place to be. We are now focusing on what we want to experience. We are now focusing on what we want out of life. Have a wonderful 2017 full of love, peace, prosperity, great health, joy and great self esteem!!!
Thanks so much for taking the time to read this original article.
The next newsletter is due out February 1st, 2017.
Self esteem quote: The point of power is always in the present moment! We are most powerful when we are at choice in the matter. We are at choice when we are actually in the moment, not being at the effect of the past and not worrying about the future. We create our “conscious” reality from the present moment.
Comments, questions and observations please e-mail me at: With love, Dave. |
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