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Up The Love, Issue #007 Chronic Low Self Esteem November 01, 2016 |
Welcome to the 7th issue of the Up The Love newsletter!! Please tell all your friends about this newsletter and ask them to sign up. If and when they do, they receive 2 FREE pdf e-reports, just for signing up!! This monthly newsletter contains, original articles, best tips on raising self esteem, inspiring stories and quotes to bend your ear and even make you laugh. In this 7th issue is an original article on chronic low self esteem and what to do about it! Chronic Low Self Esteem And What To Do About It!What is chronic low self esteem? Where does it come from? How do we change it so that we feel good to great self esteem even high self esteem?What is chronic low self esteem? Chronic low self esteem simply said is when our “bad days” outnumber our “good days” on a regular basis. We may be depressed, have emotional problems, have addiction issues, be in a toxic relationship, have toxic relationships with our friends and family members, money problems, feel not good enough most of the time, feel undeserving, what’s the use, be overly critical and judgemental of ourselves and others. Chronic low self esteem is when we despise even hate ourselves most of the time. We feel like a victim of our circumstances and play the blame game a lot, blaming our partners, friends, family members, the government, our jobs, our current life circumstances for our unhappiness. We don’t take any responsibility for ourselves and our lives. It is a world wide epidemic with all kinds of ramifications. Where Does Chronic Low Self Esteem Come From?Ultimately chronic low self esteem comes from not getting our dependency needs met when we were children.
Please see the article I wrote on dependency needs on my website for great information on these very powerful formative needs. How Do We Change Chronic Low Self Esteem To Great Even High Self Esteem?The first thing to do is accept that one has chronic low self esteem. The second thing to do is learn to take responsibility for ourselves and our lives.We need to do this to get our personal power back and stop giving it away to our circumstances. When we take responsibility we take ownership of our lives. No person, no place and no thing has any power over us and has nothing to do with our happiness. It’s inside us. The pursuit of happiness is an illusion. Happiness is the way! In other words it’s okay to be happy now. Remember happiness is an internal experience and is not dependent on external circumstances. Please see self esteem exercises on my website to do a very powerful simple exercise designed to help you take responsibility for yourself and your life. The Third And Final Thing To Do Are To Write Self Esteem Affirmations.Self esteem affirmations are positive in the present moment statements created to change negative thought patterns to positive ones. When this happens our outer world must reflect our inner world. Our outer world is made up of people, places and things. Our inner world is made up of thoughts, beliefs, feelings and our spiritual self. When we change our inner thought and belief patterns to positive ones, our outer world reflects this back to us in the form of happier, more positive life experiences.Please see self esteem affirmations on my website for more great information and guidance on how to write these affirmations to create positive change in your life and greatly increase self esteem. Thanks so much for taking the time to read this original article.
The next newsletter is due out December 1st, 2016.
Self esteem quote: Life was never meant to be a struggle! Self-explanatory. Life needs to be lived with love, trust, respect and joy!
Comments, questions and observations please e-mail me at: With love, Dave. |
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